Friday, January 18, 2013

What is the Heart of the Gospel?

For information on knowing Christ as Savior and Lord, please message us.

What We Believe

+There is ONE God who is Three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit
+  The true humanity and Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
+  The atonement made on the cross by our Lord for the sin of the world.
+ The person of the Holy Spirit as the one who sets apart, empowers, and imparts spiritual gifts to the church.
+ The inspiration of the Bible and its authority in all matters of faith and practice.
+ Salvation and membership in the Church by faith in Christ alone.
+ Membership of the church for the regenerate.
+ The immersion of believers as the scriptural form of water baptism.
For a more comprehensive Statement on what we believe you may read The Baptist Faith and Message 2000