Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wednesday Prayer Meetings

Beginning tomorrow night our Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 6:30 pm will move from the prayer room to the altar area around the cross in the Church sanctuary. The only lights that will be on will be those around the cross. This will continue to the Wednesday in Holy Week (March 27) In the 40 plus days leading to Easter let it be a time of prayer and repentance.

You are also invited to come and pray at the cross at any time and not just Wednesdays. There are sticky note pads on the front pew of the church in front of the cross. You are encouraged to write short prayer requests and place them on the big wooden cross. You can do this on Sundays before church, after church or during the invitation. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Take It To The Cross

Beginning today (Sunday 2/10/2013) and concluding on Easter Sunday there will be sticky note pads on the front pew on the church in front of the cross. You are encouraged to write short prayer requests and place them on the big wooden cross in this altar area of the church. You can do this before church, after church or during the invitation. You are also invited to come and pray at the cross at any time. On Wednesday nights beginning this Wednesday and concluding during Holy Week (March 27) our Prayer meetings will not be in the prayer room but at the altar area around the cross and the only lights that will be on will be those around the cross. In the 40 plus days leading to Easter let it be a time of prayer and repentance.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Easter Sermon Series:Questions That Jesus Asked

Our Easter sermon series begins this Sunday morning. Below is a schedule of the sermons. 

February 10 - Who do You Say I Am?     Matthew 16:13-15

February 17- Why does this Generation ask for a Sign?    Mark 8:12

February 24 - Does this Offend You?    John 6:61-63

March 3 - Has No One Condemned You?       John 8:12

March 10 - Why Are You Sleeping?  Luke 22:46

March 17 - Are You Betraying the Son of Man with a Kiss?  Luke 22:48

March 24 - My God, My God, Why have you Forsaken Me? Matthew 27:46 (Palm Sunday)

March 31 - Who Are You Looking for?    John 20:15   (Easter Sunday)

April 7      - Do You Love Me?                 John 21:16

Friday, January 18, 2013

What is the Heart of the Gospel?

For information on knowing Christ as Savior and Lord, please message us.

What We Believe

+There is ONE God who is Three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit
+  The true humanity and Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
+  The atonement made on the cross by our Lord for the sin of the world.
+ The person of the Holy Spirit as the one who sets apart, empowers, and imparts spiritual gifts to the church.
+ The inspiration of the Bible and its authority in all matters of faith and practice.
+ Salvation and membership in the Church by faith in Christ alone.
+ Membership of the church for the regenerate.
+ The immersion of believers as the scriptural form of water baptism.
For a more comprehensive Statement on what we believe you may read The Baptist Faith and Message 2000